Not Someone Else

The life I see me leading in the next five to ten years… I hate this question a  never have a very good answer.  I’ve always been asked where I’m heading and can only see JD the high school guidance counselor or that guy from the twisted sister videos saying “What do you want to do with the REST of your life?!!” — starring straight at me.  All I want is just to be myself and not someone’s

  • client
  • disabled puppet “look what she can do!”
  • amazing b/c of the durable medical equipment “she’s overcome so much…”
  • the dolt in the corner b/c of the aforementioned durable medical equipment “she’s not angry, she’s having an outburst.”
My greatest fears keep me from moving forward.  When I was a teen in Chicago, I was alone in the elevator going to see the orthopedist and on comes this beautiful woman with wheels and a suit.  She asked who I was there to see and dished with  me a bit and then she asked me if I was there for the conference meeting.
I’d rather be at the meeting then the client in the meeting.